The Victoria Scout Group held its Annual General Meeting at the Azzjoni Kattolika Hall on Saturday, 25th January 2025. Group Council Chairman Michael Grech delivered the opening speech. Group Scout Leader Jesmond Scerri, Secretary Celine Portelli and Treasurer Gino Mizzi then delivered their reports to a hall packed with members, parents and supporters.

The Troop’s item: What does it mean to be a Scout? – A reflection
In the introduction to the AGM, the Scouts explained what really defines a Scout. It’s not the uniform, nor the fact that they can read a map or build a fire or tie knots. These are just skills. More important than these are the values that members obtain through Scouting.
It is the way they follow the Scout Law and live up to the Scout Promise in their daily lives. It is the way they explore not only the world around them in its different facets but also the world within them. It is the way they are a friend to all. It is the way they care for the environment and for others. It is how they face challenges and setbacks and learn and try again when they do not succeed. It is all these and much, much more.
It is how Scouts, as global citizens contribute towards creating a better world through various initiatives and activities.

The Pack’s item: ‘Heal the World’
The Cub Scouts presented the song ‘Heal the World.’
Cub Scout León Azzopardi started the presentation by reading a quote by Lord Baden-Powell. ‘Try to leave the world a little better than you found it.’
Cub Scout Gabrijel Cordina then encouraged everyone to do his part in healing the world and making it a better place for our children and our children’s children. Coincidentally this mirrors the Scouting objective of ‘Creating a Better World.’
It was then the turn of the Cub Scouts to give their rendition of Michael Jackson’s anthem for love and peace – Heal the World – and pass on the message that we can indeed heal the world and make it a better place for us all.

Award Ceremony
The awards for the Cub Scouts, Scout, Venture Scout and Rover Scout of the Year 2024 went to:
Rover Scout of the Year: Richard Caruana
Venture Scout of the Year: Paolo Sultana
Scout of the Year: Gabriele Puglisi
Cub Scout of the Year (Saturday Pack): Jake Said
Cub Scout of the Year (Seeonee Pack): Jake Bugeja
Certificates of Merit
Rover Crew: Jerrod Xerri
Scout Troop: Lucas Joe Portelli, Jordi Spiteri
Saturday Pack: George Mercieca, Francesco Cefai
Other Awards
The Messenger of Peace Award was awarded to Jacob Grech, Aleksander Attard and Jaiden Formosa (in absentia).
Certificates for the Explorer Belt Expedition were distributed to 4 of those Rovers who participated, namely Michael V. Farrugia, Darren P. Cassar, Matthew Grech, and Richard Caruana.
The Black Six (Jake Bugeja, George Camilleri, Francesco Cefai, Gabriel Tabone, Ayden Vella, Gabriel Gatt) and of the Seeonee Pack and the Red Six (Liam Sultana, Michael Zammit, Liam Cini, Jake Mifsud, Thomas John Gatt and Evan Zammit) of the Saturday Pack were the winners of the Mowgli Inter-Six Monthly competition for 2024.
Guest speaker – Mr Jesmond Saliba, Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations
During his speech, Mr Jesmond Saliba, the Commissioner for Non-Voluntary Organisations reflected on the message given by the Scout’s presentation of what it means to be a Scout.
He mentioned some of the important skills such as leadership skills and values which Scouting imparts to its members. These skills equip the children and youths of today to better face and thrive in the world they inhabit. The Scout Law and Promise lead to having better citizens and more responsible persons.
The Commissioner also acknowledged the role that the leaders, who are all volunteers, play in the running of and success of the Victoria Scout Group. He encouraged the members to appreciate the fact that they are part of a Scout group and to always live up to the Scout Law and Promise.
At the end of this speech, Group librarian Mr Carm C. Cachia presented Mr Saliba with a copy of each of the 2 books narrating the history of the Group for the past 60 years, which were published by the Group and authored by Mr Cachia.

Donation to the OASI Foundation
As in previous years, instead of sending Christmas cards, the Group donated a sum of money to a local philanthropic organisation. Donations for this purpose were also received by parents. This year the beneficiary was the OASI Foundation. Treasurer Gino Mizzi presented a donation to the Executive Head of the OASI Foundation, Mr Noel Scerri.
Since 1991, the OASI Foundation has assisted persons (and their families) dealing with addiction problems, while also promoting a healthy lifestyle through educational, cultural and sports events for the community.