Cub Scouts
The Cub Scout age range is 7 to 10.5. The Cub Scout adventure is all about fun and exploration. We’re focused on discovering new things and finding exciting ways to enjoy ourselves.
Cub Scouts is the second section of Scouting, and during your time in the Pack, there are opportunities to try a wide variety of activities such as swimming, music, exploring, camping, hiking, and cooking over open fires. We learn responsibility, which allows us to take part in even more experiences, like longer camping trips and leading activities for others.
Cub Scouts are organised into small groups called Sixes – and, as the name suggests, each group has six Cub Scouts! The Sixes come together to form a Pack. Each Six has a leader, a Cub Scout known as the Sixer.
Getting out into nature is at the heart of Cub Scouting. There’s so much to explore in the natural world! We go on trips, hikes, and days out, enjoying many different adventures along the way.
The Cub Scout motto is “Do Your Best”.
“I love every activity we do, but the best part of Scouting is definitely the camps – we get to practise what we’ve learnt and so much more.”
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